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Comb as you are, as you were
Theories exist that the tribe’s name of the Frisians comes from the Old Frisian word frisle meaning ‘lock of hair’, a word, in turn,...
Hans Faber
Nov 10, 20246 min read

Where are the corps and student associations? When do the Corpsbrüder and frats stand up?
Recently, regional newspaper Leeuwarder Courant published an article about how the town of Stavoren was tampering with the stones of the...
Hans Faber
Mar 9, 202412 min read

A Dutch king once yelled: “Je suis Frison, et je suis plus têtu que vous!”
In our recent blog post Barbarians riding to the capital to claim rights on farmland , we told the famous story of the two Frisian kings...
Hans Faber
Aug 23, 20238 min read

Barbarians riding to the Capital to claim rights on farmland
This is not a blog post about the current agriculture and nitrogen debates between the government in Brussels and farmers in Flanders,...
Hans Faber
Aug 16, 202317 min read

The many faces of Friesland, that of a bastard included
May 8, 2021. Visual artist, photographer Arie Bruinsma approached one of the Frisian bastards . Arie explained to him that his wife...
Hans Faber
Dec 14, 20228 min read

A severe case of inattentional blindness: the Frisian tribe’s name
The name Frisii for the people living on the southern coast of the North Sea is old. Very old. It dates from Late Antiquity. Today, we...
Hans Faber
Aug 14, 202216 min read

Joan of Arc, an inspiration for Land Wursten
In the year 1500, a girl by the name Tjede Peckes was born in the hamlet of Padingbüttel in the region of Land Wursten on the eastern...
Hans Faber
May 28, 202211 min read

To the end where it all began: ribbon Ribe in Jutland
Let's go to the omega. To the end of the Frisia Coast Trail . To Ribe in southern Jutland, Denmark. The oldest town in Scandinavia. A...
Hans Faber
May 7, 202215 min read

Dissolute Elisabeth and Her Devil
In the Middle Age lived a once promiscuous girl named Elisabeth. She had come to repentance, found honourable employ as a maid, and had...
Hans Faber
Apr 23, 20228 min read

Filmstar Ben-Hur made peace with Frisian raiders
Who does not know the epic movie Ben-Hur released on the big screen in 1959? A movie in which the masculine Hollywood actor and civil...
Hans Faber
Feb 19, 20227 min read

Well, the Thing is ...
The heart of Western democracies is the joint assembly of Parliament, Cabinet, and High Councils of State. Its Celtic-Germanic origin is...
Hans Faber
Sep 5, 202141 min read

A Frontier known as Watery Mess: the Coast of Flanders
At the end of the eighth century, by decree of Charlemagne and under the supervision of the wise men Wlemar and Saxmund, the customary...
Hans Faber
Aug 9, 202152 min read

The raider’s portrait from Appels
In the year 1934, while dredging upstream the River Scheldt near the village of Appels in the region of Flanders, an extraordinary ship’s...
Hans Faber
Jul 31, 20216 min read

Wa bin ik, wa bist do en wa bin wy?
"If you don't care about your own history, you may as well leave the classroom." Words from the geography teacher at high school Simon...
Hans & Frans
Jul 10, 20218 min read

More Flying 'Dutchmen'. Learning from an innkeeper
On the first of February 2020, one of the Frisian bastards of the Frisia Coast Trail tramped the trail section from the town of Bad...
Hans Faber
May 29, 202111 min read

Happy Hunting Grounds in the Arctic
If you want to find out who is responsible for killing the whale, the Frisia Coast Trail area is the prime spot to look. When you stop...
Hans Faber
Apr 24, 202160 min read

Yet Another Wayward Archipelago – the Wadden Sea
The peoples of islands and archipelagos do not let others dictate how to live their lives. One of those archipelagos that meets these...
Hans Faber
Apr 5, 202145 min read

With a Noose through the Norsemen’s Door
Although the conversion of the Woden-devoted Frisians was a slow and cumbersome process that only succeeded in depth in the tenth...
Hans Faber
Mar 21, 202113 min read

Frisia, a Viking graveyard
When reading about the famous deeds of great Viking warriors, not much attention is given to the moments of failure. Not much is written...
Hans Faber
Feb 21, 20219 min read

History is written by the victors – a story of the credits
New York City, the Capital of the World. Other names are Gotham, Modern Gomorrah, Big Apple, Empire City, and Baghdad-on-the-Subway. With...
Hans Faber
Feb 10, 202134 min read
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