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The many faces of Friesland, that of a bastard included

Writer: Hans FaberHans Faber

May 8, 2021. Visual artist, photographer Arie Bruinsma approached one of the Frisian bastards. Arie explained to him that his wife Cynthia and he were working on a new project, namely It Gesicht fan Fryslân ‘The Face of Friesland’. It had to be a compilation of 111 portraits of known, lesser-known, and unknown Frisians. Of each person, a short interview would be included. About why the province of Friesland or being Frisian was special to her or him. The bastard said yes.

Arie Bruinsma is well-known for his earlier projects Baardmannen (2016) and RED (2017). Project Baardmannen ‘Beard-men’ was a series of portraits of 200 men with beards. Project RED was a series of over 200 portraits of people with red hair and freckles. In 2018, tragedy struck. Arie suffered from a cerebral infarction. After a tough time of recovery, Arie was able to take up the camera again. Together with his wife Cynthia, he started in 2021 the project It Gesicht fan Fryslân. On November 22, 2022, the book presentation took place in the village of Burgum. Therefore, it is not only the story of 111 people of the province of Friesland but also, or even more, the story of a resilient couple!

It was in the summer month Augustus 2021 when the portrait of the bastard was shot. At the bastard’s request on the salt marshes. More specifically, the salt marshes of the Westhoek were picked. The outer rim of the province. On the shores of the former Middelzee which translates to ‘middle sea’. Normally, everything is quiet there, but not that day. Just then a sighting of a rare white-rumped sandpiper, or Bonapartes strandloper in the Dutch language, had attracted bird watchers from all over the country. But the little bird had just flown when the three had their rendezvous, and the all bird watchers were packing their cameras and tripods.

The weather had been warm and dry that summer, and the clay of the salt marsh had cracked with only green samphire sticking out of. August is perfect timing to pick and eat samphire. Of course, the two Waldpyken from the wooded interior were a bit nervous to cross the dyke and walk onto the exposed sea floor of the Wadden Sea. But they did taste the wild salty samphire.

The central question of Cynthia and Arie was, why, according to several surveys, Frisians are the happiest people of the Netherlands despite being one of the poorest provinces in the country? It is often called the Frisian paradox. Note that the Netherlands as such also ranks in the top of happiest countries in the world. So, Frisians truly are a happy bunch of people on the planet.

Below the photo portrait and story of the bastard as included in the book of Cynthia and Arie. Their book uses the Frisian and Dutch languages. Since our blog Frisia Coast Trail uses the English language, we added an English translation as well.

If not interested in the story of a hiking bastard but do have an interest in those other 110 persons, including Frisian artists, singers and writers like Hylke Speerstra, Nynke Laverman, Flip van Doorn, Anne-Goaitske Breteler, Syb van der Ploeg and Elske DeWall, etc., you can order a copy of their book via this link: Boek It Gesicht fan Fryslân.

Hans Faber was born in Harlingen and now lives in The Hague, where he works for the Ministry of Justice. On his website Frisia Coast Trail he writes about the unique history of the North Sea coast from West Flanders to South Jutland. Not only does he téll the story of the coastal inhabitants, but he also experiences the story by walking it. The Frisia Coast Trail is not a trail for nothing; a path that runs from ’t Zwin in Flanders to the town of Ribe in Denmark.

“Thé Frisian does not exist for me. The richness of identity should not be limited by stereotypes and archetypes. Identity resides precisely in the imagination. Any non-Frisian can choose to be a Frisian. Every Frisian can choose not to be.

In my imagination, Frisian is part of a coastal and water culture. Living on a fragile, narrow strip of land. That was complicated, but they were often their own master. When I think I recognize that wilfulness and outward orientation, I feel happy. When they seem reserved, but turn out to be storytellers. Because I think that is what Frisians are at the core.

Frisians feel Frisian. Feel connected to each other. It is impossible to say exactly what and why. It is not interesting either. They feel it, basta! That is where the happiness lies. Being part of something and feeling secure as a result. Especially, when social entities become increasingly larger and more elusive.

I feel connected to the history of the coastal land and to the people it brought forth. People, and this certainly applies to Frisians, have not only made the landscape, but the landscape has made them what they are now, and will become.

For me, this is reflected in the salt marshes. The permanently volatile, young mud and clay soil. Treeless. Dead in winter and not without danger, even in summer. But for those who master the balancing act on the border of salt and sweet, this soft, rotting ground offers an unprecedented richness. The edge of the world, fit for pioneers only. Like samphire.

Friesland is the place in the world that I can call home, even though I have not lived there for years. My town Harlingen at the Wadden Sea is the edge of the world for me. Where you hear the foghorn low and monotonous in the night, where ‘ouwe seunen’ [literally ‘old sons’ and a nickname for citizens of Harlingen] tell each other stories about the seas they have sailed.

Being Frisian makes me feel part of the unique history and the tall people that emerged from it. And that I can tell their, and thus my story.”


Hans Faber is berne yn Harns en wennet no yn Den Haag, dêr’t er foar it ministearje fan Justysje wurket. Op syn webside Frisia Coast Trail fertelt er oer de unike skiednis fan de Noardseekust fan West-Flaanderen oant Súd-Jutlân. Mar hy fertélt net allinnich it ferhaal fan de kustbewenners, hy belibbet it ferhaal ek troch te kuierjen. De Frisia Coast Trail is net foar neat in trail; in paad dat rint fan ‘t Zwin yn Flaanderen nei de stêd Ribe yn Denemarken.

“Dé Fries bestiet foar my net. De rykdom fan identiteit moat net behind wurde troch stereotypen en archetypen. Identiteit sit krekt yn de ferbylding. Elke net-Fries kin kieze om in Fries te wêzen. Elke Fries kin kieze om it net te wêzen.

It Fryske is yn myn ferbylding ûnderdiel fan in kust- en wetterkultuer. Wenje op in kwetsbare, smelle stripe lân. Dat wie yngewikkeld, mar de minsken wiene faak eigen baas. As ik tink dy eigensinnigens en nei bûten rjochte blik te werkennen, wurd ik bliid. As se ôfhâldend lykje, mar ferhalefertellers blike te wêzen. Want ik tink dat Friezen dat yn’e kearn binne.

Friezen fiele har Frysk. Fiele harren mei-inoar ferbûn. It is ûnmooglik om krekt te sizzen wat en wêrom. It is ek net ynteressant. Se fiele it, en dêrmei út! Dêr leit it lok. Om der diel fan út te meitsjen en dêrtroch feilich te fielen. Hielendal as sosjale ferbiningen hieltyd grutter en ûngrypberder wurde.

Ik fiel in ferbining mei de skiednis fan it kustlân en mei de minsken dy’t fuortbrocht hat. De minsken, en dat jildt hielendal foar Friezen, hawwe net allinnich it lânskip makke, mar it lânskip hat ek makke ta wa’t se no binne en wurde sille.

Dat utert him my foar my yn de kwelders; de permanint beweechlike, jonge slyk- en klaaigrûn. Sûnder beammen. Deadsk yn de winter en sels yn de simmer net sûnder gefaar. Mar foar wa’t it balansearjen op’e grins van sâlt en swiet behearsket, biedt dizze sêfte, rotsjende grûn in ûngewoane rykdom. De râne fan in wrâld, allinnich geskikt foar pioniers, Lykas kwelderkrûd.

Fryslân is it plak op’e wrâld dat ik thús neame kin, ek al wenje ik der al jierren net mear. Myn Harns oan de Waadsee is foar my de râne fan de wrâld. Dêr’t men yn’e nacht de misthoarn leech en ientoanich heart, dêr’t ‘ouwe seunen’ inoar ferhalen fertelle oer de seeën dy’t se befearn hawwe.

In Fries wêze makket dat ik my ûnderdiel fiel fan de unike skiednis en de lange minsken dy’t derút ûntstien binne, en dat ik harren, en dêrmei myn, ferhaal fertelle mei.”


Hans Faber is geboren in Harlingen en woont nu in Den Haag, waar hij voor het ministerie van Justitie werkt. Op zijn website Frisia Coast Trail vertelt hij over de unieke geschiedenis van de Noordzeekust van West-Vlaanderen tot in Zuid-Jutland. Maar hij vertélt niet alleen het verhaal van de kustbewoners, hij ervaart het verhaal ook door het te bewandelen. De Frisia Coast Trail is niet voor niets een trail; een pad dat loopt van ’t Zwin in Vlaanderen tot de stad Ribe in Denemarken.

“Dé Fries bestaat voor mij niet. De rijkdom van identiteit moet je niet begrenzen door stereotypen en archetypen. Juist in de verbeelding huist de identiteit. Iedere niet-Fries kan kiezen een Fries te zijn. Iedere Fries kan kiezen het niet te zijn.

Het Friese is in mijn verbeelding onderdeel van een kust- en watercultuur. Woonachtig op een kwetsbare, smalle strook land. Dat was ingewikkeld, maar ze waren vaak eigen baas. Als ik die eigenzinnigheid en naar buiten gerichte blik denk te herkennen, word ik blij. Als ze gereserveerd lijken, maar verhalenvertellers blijken te zijn. Want volgens mij zijn Friezen dat in de kern.

Friezen voelen zich Fries.Voelen zich met elkaar verbonden. Wat en waarom, is niet precies te zeggen. Het is ook niet interessant. Ze voelen het, basta! Daar zit het geluk. Ergens deel van zijn en daardoor geborgenheid voelen. Zeker wanneer sociale verbanden steeds groter en ongrijpbaarder worden.

Ik voel me verbonden met de geschiedenis van het kustland en met de mensen die het heeft voortgebracht. De mensen, en dat geldt zeker voor Friezen, hebben niet alleen het landschap gemaakt, omgekeerd heeft het landschap ze gemaakt tot wat ze nu zijn, en gaan worden.

Dit uit zich voor mij in de kwelders, de permanent bewegelijke, jonge slik- en kleibodem. Boomloos. Doods in de winter en zelfs in de zomer niet zonder gevaar. Maar voor wie de balanceeract op de grens van zout en zoet beheerst, biedt deze zachte, rottende grond een ongekende rijkdom. De rand van de wereld, alleen geschikt voor pioniers. Zoals zeekraal.

Fryslân is de plek in de wereld die ik thuis mag noemen, ook al woon ik er jaren niet meer. Mijn Harlingen aan de Waddenzee is voor mij de rand van de wereld. Waar je de misthoorn laag en monotoon hoort in de nacht, waar ‘ouwe seunen’ elkaar verhalen vertellen over de zeeën die ze bevaren hebben.

Fries zijn maakt dat ik mij onderdeel voel van de unieke geschiedenis en de lange mensen die eruit voortgekomen zijn. En dat ik hun, en daarmee mijn, verhaal mag vertellen.”


Note 2 – On April 9, 2024, television personality Johan Derksen, guest-presenter of the show Vandaag Inside, said that Member of Parliament Habtamu de Hoop was not Frisian because of how he looks (De Hoop was born in Ethiopia and raised in the village of Wommels in the province of Friesland). This statement aroused a lot of commotion. Rightfully so, because this is exactly not what we advocate when we think of identity. It is a pity that the host-presenter of the television show Vandaag Inside, Wilfred Genee, born in the town of Leeuwarden in the province of Friesland, seemed to have enjoyed it all. No hope for him anymore.

Note 3 – Featured image: Cynthia and Arie by Arie Bruinsma.

Suggested music

Faces, Stay with Me (1971)

Pete Townshend, Face the Face (1985)

Further reading

Brugman, G., Arie Bruinsma zet zijn revalidatie na herseninfarct in het teken van de fotografie en maakt nu de portrettenserie It gesicht fan Fryslân (2021)

Bruinsma, A., Baardmannen. Tweehonderd indringende portretten (2016)

Bruinsma, A. & Bruinsma-de Vries, C., It Gesicht fan Fryslân. 111 ferhalen en portretten oer libben en lok yn Fryslân (2022)


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